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Digital Sound Interface Kit (DSIK)
Version 1.01a
── User's Manual ──
(C) 1994 Carlos Hasan
1. Introduction
1.1 What's in this Manual?
1.2 Hardware Requirements
1.3 Contacting the Author
2. Tutorial
2.1 Initializing DSIK
2.2 Playing Digital Samples
2.3 Playing a Music Module
2.4 Playing Sound Effects over Music
3. Programming Guide
3.1 Initializing DSIK
3.2 Openining Voice Channels
3.3 Mixing Voices
3.4 Playing Music
3.4.1 Loading a Module
3.4.2 Playing the Module
3.4.3 Stopping the Module
3.5 Sound Effects
3.5.1 Channels
3.5.2 Available Channels
3.5.3 Playing Sounds
3.5.4 Altering the Playing Sounds
3.6 Digital Sound Module Format
3.6.1 Converting Modules
3.7 Getting Information from DSIK
3.8 Interrupts
3.9 Using Timer Services
4. Reference Guide
4.1 Functions
4.2 Structures
Chapter 1. Introduction
The Digital Sound Interface Kit (DSIK) is an interface library by which
you can play digital music and sound effects on PCs, and is currently
available for Borland C++ and Borland Pascal compilers.
1.1 What's in this Manual?
This manual has three parts: Tutorial, Programming Guide and Reference
Guide sections. The tutorial section of this manual will show you only
the most basic functions of DSIK. You should read the Programming Guide
section to learn more about the DSIK's capabilities. For more detailed
information about every function, structure and equates defined in DSIK
you should read the Reference Guide section of this manual.
1.2 Hardware and Software Requirements
In order to work with DSIK you need at least an 386SX and a soundcard.
The supported soundcards are Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, Sound
Blaster 16, Gravis Ultrasound and all cards that are 100% compatible
with any of the above.
The DSIK library was compiled with Borland Pascal version 7.0, but it
should work perfectly with Turbo Pascal version 7.0.
1.3 Contacting the Author
If you encounter problems, find a bug in this package or want to suggest
something, use the following Internet email addresses:
Carlos Hasan
Chapter 2. Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to use DSIK in your own applications
by providing some simple example programs. These example programs
will be built from scratch and new features will be added step by
step through the tutorial.
2.1 Initializing DSIK
Before using any of the DSIK's routines it has to be initialized. First
you need your soundcard hardware parameters. To ease things there is an
external program called SETUP which will ask to the user the soundcard
parameters and will save them into your disk. After, you can load these
hardware parameters from disk in your own programs. When you have all
the soundcard parameters, call the routine DSMInit to initialize the
DSIK sound system.
Now the program would be able to play sounds on different channels,
and music modules of course.
Here is an example code for initializing DSIK:
uses Crt,Sound;
if DSMLoadSetup(Card) then begin
writeln('please run SETUP.EXE to configure.');
if DSMInit(Card) then begin
writeln('error initializing DSIK.');
If everything went alright and DSMInit found the specified soundcard it
returns false. After DSMInit has initialized the system, you must call
the deinit routine DSMDone before exiting your program.
2.2 Playing Digital Samples
DSIK is now initialized and waits for your instructions. But first you
have to setup the amount of voices you are going to use and the master
volume level for all those channels:
Now you have four independant channels to play sounds. To play a digital
sample (or instrument) you have to load the sample from disk, then pass
it to DSMPlaySample to start playing the sample. DSIK currently supports
standard RIFF/WAVE digital sample files which can be loaded from disk
using the routine DSMLoadSample.
uses Crt,Sound,Load;
if DSMLoadSetup(Card) or DSMInit(Card) then Halt(1);
Drum := DSMLoadSample('DRUM.WAV',0); { load sample from disk }
DSMPlaySample(0,Drum); { play at default frequency }
while not keypressed do DSMPoll; { wait any key }
DSMStopSample(0); { stop voice }
DSMFreeSample(Drum); { free sample from memory }
The previous code loads a digital instrument from disk and plays it on
the first audio channel at the default frequency and volume.
2.3 Playing a Music Module
Module is a music file format first used in the Amiga computer. There are
many music formats around like: ProTracker, FastTracker, Scream Tracker,
Composer 669 and MultiTracker file formats. But DSIK only knows the DSM
module format, so to play MODs, STMs, S3Ms, 669s, and MTMs they need to
be converted into DSM format using the utility program CONV.EXE included
in the DSIK package.
Here is an simple example program to play an DSM module:
uses Crt,Sound,Load;
if DSMLoadSetup(Card) or DSMInit(Card) then Halt(1);
Module := DSMLoad('EXAMPLE.DSM',0);
while not keypressed do DSMPoll;
When running the program it should play the EXAMPLE.DSM module. If there
are problems, check that the module exists in the current directory.
2.4 Playing Sound Effects over Music
With DSIK it's possible to play sound effects over the music. All you have
to do is to open more channels than your module needs. The extra channels
can be used to play sound effects. Remember that DSIK always uses the first
channels from the beginning to play the music. For example, for an module
which uses 4 channels, the channels 0, 1, 2 and 3 will be used to play the
module. You can use all the unused open channels to play sound effects.
Chapter 3. Programming Guide
In this section you will learn more about all the DSIK's capabilities.
It describes not only what DSIK can do, but also how. For more details
about every function and structures defined in DSIK you should read the
Reference Guide section of this manual.
3.1 Initializing DSIK
The first thing you should do to initialize DSIK is to get the soundcard
hardware parameters (I/O port, IRQ line, DMA channel, mixing rate). The
structure DSMCard must be filled with these parameters:
DSMCard = record
CardID : byte; { Sound card ID }
IOAddr : word; { Port address }
IRQNum : byte; { IRQ line }
DRQNum : byte; { DMA channel }
MixRate : word; { Mixing rate }
The identification number ID is unique for each card. Here is a list of
the identification numbers for the currently supported soundcards:
ID_NONE = 0; { No soundcard }
ID_SB = 1; { Sound Blaster }
ID_SB201 = 2; { Sound Blaster 2.01 }
ID_SBPRO = 3; { Sound Blaster Pro }
ID_SB16 = 4; { Sound Blaster 16 }
ID_GUS = 5; { Gravis Ultrasound }
There are parameters which are unused for some soundcards (for example,
the GUS soundcard does not requires the mixing rate). Also, the virtual
soundcard ID_NONE is useful for users without any sound device, because
your program can use all the DSIK functions without problems, but no
sound will be heard though.
When the DSMCard structure is filled, call DSMInit with it and check the
returned value. If the value is false, then everything went alright and
DSIK is initialized. Otherwite an error occured.
After initializing DSIK you should make sure that DSMDone is called upon
exit. The easiest way to do it is to use exit procedures using the Turbo
and Borland Pascal ExitProc mechanism.
3.2 Opening Voice Channels
Now DSIK is initialized, but you can't play any sound with it yet. First
you will have to call DSMSetupVoices to specify the amount of channel
voices your program needs and the global master volume level:
The above code will open 8 channel voices and sets the master volume
level to 96, which is a pretty nice value for that amount of open
channels. Actually, the master volume parameter is only used in the
Sound Blaster cards and has no effect in the GUS soundcard.
3.3 Mixing Voices
When everything is initialized it's time to start playing some sounds.
Before any sound can be heard it has to be loaded from disk. Because
DSIK supports many more channels than your soundcard supports (except
for the GUS), DSIK has to combine many channels into a single channel.
This process is called digital mixing.
DSIK lets you do the mixing whenever you want to do it. It does not
force you to use the timer interrupt, all that DSIK requires is to call
the function DSMPoll frequently. Actually this is not required if you are
using the GUS soundcard which uses his own interrupt service to poll the
sound system.
To play music and sound effects in background, you only need to call
DSMPoll regularly. About 50 or 70 times per second should be enough
in most cases. For higher mixing rates you need to call this routine
more times than for lower mixing rates.
If you want a timer interrupt to handle all the mixing, you can easily
hook the DSMPoll into a timer interrupt service:
uses Crt,Sound,Load,TS;
if DSMLoadSetup(Card) or DSMInit(Card) then Halt(1);
The previous code will use the timer interrupt to call DSMPoll 70 times
per second. Notice that the BIOS clock will be updated while using the
timer services. Anyway, you may call TSRestoreTime to update the clock
and date (this routine uses the CMOS real time clock to update the
software BIOS clock and date).
Here is a short summary of how to initialize DSIK:
- Load the soundcard parameters into the DSMCard structure.
- Call DSMInit to initialize (be sure to call DSMDone before
exiting your program).
- Select the maximum number amount of simultaneos channels
and the master volume level with DSMSetupVoices.
3.4 Playing Music
After DSIK has been setup to play sounds, you are allowed to play music
modules. As DSIK uses his own music module format, it's necessary to use
the utility CONV.EXE to convert standard MODs, STMs, 669s, S3Ms and MTMs
to the DSM file format.
3.4.1 Loading a Module
Before any music can be played it has to be loaded from the disk into
system memory (and soundcard memory for the GUS driver). The module
loader is called as follows:
Module := DSMLoad(FileName,FileOffset);
The FileName is the full path name to the module and FileOffset is where
the module starts itself in the file (its useful if you have packed all
your module files into a huge resource file).
The loader returns a pointer to a DSM structure. If something went wrong,
NIL is returned and the global variable DSMStatus is set to one of the
following values to indicate the error occurred:
ERR_OK = 0; { no error }
ERR_NORAM = 1; { not enough system memory }
ERR_NODRAM = 2; { not enough soundcard memory }
ERR_NOFILE = 3; { module/sample file not found }
ERR_FORMAT = 4; { invalid file format }
ERR_ACCESS = 5; { file corrupted }
The DSM structure contains all the information about the module, so it
is totally possible to load multiple modules into memory.
3.4.2 Playing the Module
When the module has been loaded into memory it can be played with a
single function call:
The parameter is a pointer to a variable of type DSM. IF you have set up
DSIK correctly and mixing routines are called frequently, you should hear
the music playing in background. If you don't hear any music and no error
was detected, then something went wrong during initialization (probably
the soundcard hardware parameters are wrong).
3.4.3 Stopping the Module
If you want to stop the module which is currently being played, call the
routine DSMStopMusic. The module is always played with looping, which
means that it will never end until DSMStopMusic is called.
3.5 Sound effects
Playing modules in the background is a thing that can be achieved with
DSIK, but also you can play sound effects simultaneous with music.
3.5.1 Channels
First you need to know the amount of channels that your program will
need to play the music and sound effects. For example, if you are going
to play a 4 channels module and also you want stereo sound effects, you
need to open 6 channels (four for music and two for the sound effect
channels). To open the desired amount of channels you does:
The first parameter is the number of channels you want, and the second
parameter is the master volume level. DSIK currently supports up to 16
different channels, and they are zero based. That means that the first
voice channel number is 0, the second is 1, and so on.
DSMSetupVoices can be called multiple times. However, it can't be called
while music or sound effects are being played. So be sure to stop all
the channels before changing the amount of channels.
If you try to call DSMSetupVoices while the system is playing music or
sound effects, you will hear a small crack and the channel frequencies
will be wrong for a while if you are using the GUS soundcard.
3.5.2 Available Channels
You have opened six channels and DSIK is playing a four channel module,
so the channels four and five are available for your own sound effects.
DSIK always uses the first channels starting from zero, so you can be
sure that playing a sample on channel four or five will not interfere
with the music.
3.5.3 Playing Sounds
When you want to play a sample, you must load it from disk. The function
DSMLoadSample loads standard RIFF/WAVE files from disk. If you want to
write your own sample loader for a different sample file format, do the
following basic steps:
- Allocate memory for the sample
- Load the sample into memory
- Create a DSMInst structure for it
- Upload the sample to the soundcard memory and release it from
system memory, if the current soundcard has on board memory.
To learn more about how to load samples into memory, look at the DSIK
loading routine sources included in the package.
The DSMInst structure contains all the information about a sample
instrument. Here is the definition of this structure:
DSMInst = record
FileName : array [0..12] of char;
Flags : word;
Volume : byte;
Length : dword;
LoopStart : dword;
LoopEnd : dword;
Address : pointer;
MidCRate : word;
Period : word;
SampleName : array [0..27] of char;
After the sample has been loaded in memory, you can play it calling
the DSMPlaySample function:
where Voice is the channel number and Sample is a pointer to a DSMInst
sample structure. This function will play the sample at the default
frequency and volume specified in the DSMInst sample structure (fields
Period and Volume).
DSIK internally uses period values instead of frequencies. The formula
to translate frequency values to periods is:
Period = 8363*428/Hertz
Also, DSIK uses volume levels from 0 to 64. These parameters come from
the Amiga computer and the standard MOD ProTracker file format.
3.5.4 Altering the Playing Sounds
Now that the sample is being played, it would be nice to change the
frequency and the volume of the sample. DSIK has functions to make it
possible. Changing the period and volume is as simple as calling:
Also you can change the channel panning (or balance):
where Balance is a number between 0 (left panned) and 128 (right panned),
also you can use surround effects setting the balance to 228. There some
useful equates which you can use to set the balance or panning:
PAN_LEFT = $00; { left panning }
PAN_RIGHT = $80; { right panning }
PAN_DOLBY = $A4; { surround effect }
Notice that this routine will take effect only in stereo cards, also the
surround effect works only in SB cards currently.
3.6 Digital Sound Module Format (DSM)
DSIK uses his own music module file format. It was designed to cope with
a variety of different module formats like MOD, STM, 669, S3M, and MTM.
It would have been very hard to write a system that supports all those
module formats, so I have made a system that supports just one format,
but with a utility to convert other module formats into this format
called Digital Sound Module Format, or DSM for short.
3.6.1 Converting Modules
As DSIK only supports the DSM format, you need to convert MODs, STMs,
669s, S3Ms and MTMs into DSM before playing. You can do this manually
using the CONV.EXE utility. Here is the command line syntaxis:
CONV source[.ext] [dest[.dsm]]
For example, CONV FEEDBACK.S3M will create the FEEDBACK.DSM module file,
which can be played with the DSIK sound system.
3.7 Getting Information from DSIK
DSIK can give you information about what is going on. There is a routine
called DSMGetMusicInfo which returns a pointer to the following structure
which hold a lot of useful information:
DSMMusicInfo = record
ActiveTracks : word;
Tracks : array [0..Pred(MAXTRACKS)] of Track;
OrderPosition : byte;
OrderLength : byte;
PatternNumber : byte;
PatternRow : byte;
BreakFlag : byte;
Tempo : byte;
TempoCount : byte;
BPM : byte;
CardStatus : word;
PlayStatus : word;
SongPtr : pointer;
SyncMark : byte;
For synchronization with music you can use the SyncMark field. You need
to place special synchronization marks in your modules. You can use
Scream Tracker 3.01 command Z to put these marks. The command parameter
should be a byte value between 0 and 127. When DSIK encounters this
command, it sets the internal variable SyncMark with the value of the
command parameter. So the variable SyncMark always have the previous
synchronization mark value.
With the Tracks array you get everything you need to know about what is
currently playing. The structure of each Track is defined as:
Track = record
Note : byte;
Sample : byte;
Volume : byte;
Effect : word;
EQBar : byte;
The first field is the current note playing on the track. The following
field is the current instrument number. For example, if you need to know
the name of the current instrument being played in the track, you can use
the following code:
Name := Module^.Inst[TrackPtr^.Sample-1]^.SampleName;
The Volume field is self explaining, and the Effect field is the current
standard Protracker command which is being interpreted.
There are other internal fields defined in the Track structure, but that
are not actually very useful for the user programs.
3.8 Interrupts
DSIK doesn't require interrupts. Normally you would poll DSIK in an
interrupt occuring about 50-70 times per second, which will decrease
the overhead caused by the interrupt service.
3.9 Using Timer Services
The Timer Service (TS) library was designed for easy handling of the
timer interrupt service. This library was included because DSIK doesn't
give you any routine to easily play music and sounds in background.
With this library you can hook your own routines to be called by the
timer interrupt service at the specified rates. For example, you can
hook the DSMPoll routine to be called 70 times per second.
When the TS services are installed the previous BIOS service is called
at 18.2 Hz, so the BIOS clock time and date are updated normally. You
may call the routine TSRestoreTime before exiting your application to
update the BIOS clock and date if required.
First, to initialize the TS routines you must call TSInit and be sure
to call TSDone to deinitialize the routines upon exit. Now you can hook
your own service routine with TSSetRoutine and change the timer speed:
This code setup TS to call MyTimer 70 times per second. The speed value
is given in times per seconds (or hertz) and the minimum value is 19 Hz.
Your timer service routine must preserve all the CPU registers and return
using a far stack frame (using the RETF opcode).
Chapter 4. Reference Guide
This section of the manual will describe the functions, structures and
equates defined in DSIK. Functions are listed where each entry contains
a detailed description on that particular function.
4.1 Functions
Function: Initializes the DSIK sound system.
Prototype: function DSMInit(var Card:DSMCard):boolean;
Parameters: Card - Soundcard configuration structure.
Returns: On success, returns false.
On error, returns true.
Remarks: This function must be called to initialize the sound
system. When initialized you should make sure that the
system will be deinitialized calling DSMDone upon exit.
See Also: DSMDone.
Function: Shutdown the DSIK sound system.
Prototype: procedure DSMDone;
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Remarks: This function must be called to deinitialize the sound
system upon exit. It will close all the audio channels
and will close the current soundcard output.
See Also: DSMInit.
Function: Polls the DSIK sound system.
Prototype: procedure DSMPoll;
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Remarks: This function should be called regularly to play music
and sound effects in background. About 50-70 times per
second is enough in most cases.
This routine is NOT reentrant, so if you are calling it
in background using the timer services, do not try call
it in foreground from your program.
See Also: None.
Function: Setup the amount of voice channels.
Prototype: procedure DSMSetupVoices(MaxVoices:word; MastVolume:word);
Parameters: MaxVoices - Number of channels to be opened
MastVolume - Master volume level
Returns: None.
Remarks: This function must be called before any sound can be
played. You can call this function many times, but only
while the voice channels are stopped. Currently DSIK
supports upto 16 different channels, and the master
volume level goes from 0 to 255. Actually the master
volume parameter has effect only in SB soundcards.
A recommended value for the master volume is:
MastVolume = 384/MaxVoices
where MaxVoices is the amount of opened channels.
See Also: DSMInit, DSMStopVoices.
Function: Stops all the voice channels.
Prototype: procedure DSMStopVoices;
Parameters: Note.
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will stop all the currently active voice
channels. You should call this routine before changing
the amount of voices with DSMSetupVoices.
However, this routine won't stop playing the current
music module, to do that you should call DSMStopMusic.
See Also: DSMSetupVoices, DSMStopMusic.
Function: Returns the type of RAM used by the soundcard driver.
Prototype: function DSMTypeOfRAM:word;
Parameters: Note.
Returns: RAM_NONE - Driver not initialized
RAM_SYSTEM - Driver uses system memory
RAM_CARD - Driver uses soundcard memory
Remarks: This is an internal routine used to know which kind of
memory the soundcard uses. For example, the GUS soundcard
uses his own soundcard memory, so the loading routines
will upload the sample digital data to the soundcard
and then release it from system memory.
See Also: DSMAllocSampleData, DSMFreeSampleData.
Function: Allocates and uploads the sample to the soundcard memory.
Prototype: function DSMAllocSampleData(Inst:PDSMInst):boolean;
Parameters: Inst - Sample instrument structure
Returns: On success, returns false.
On error, returns true.
Remarks: This is an internal routine used to allocate and upload
the digital sample data to the soundcard. This function
has no effect for soundcards which are using only system
memory to hold digital samples.
See Also: DSMTypeOfRAM, DSMFreeSampleData.
Function: Frees the sample from the soundcard memory.
Prototype: procedure DSMFreeSampleData(Inst:PDSMInst);
Parameters: Inst - Sample instrument structure
Returns: None.
Remarks: This is an internal routine used to free the sample data
from the soundcard memory, which was allocated using the
DSMAllocSampleData routine.
See Also: DSMTypeOfRAM, DSMAllocSampleData.
Function: Play a sample instrument.
Prototype: procedure DSMPlaySample(Voice:word; Inst:PDSMInst);
Parameters: Voice - Voice channel number
Inst - Sample instrument structure
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will play the specified sample into the
desired voice channel number at the default frequency
and volume, which are included in the sample instrument
structure (fields Period and Volume).
See Also: DSMStopSample, DSMSetPeriod, DSMSetVolume, DSMSetBalance,
DSMSetSoundVolume, DSMSetupVoices, DSMStopVoices.
Function: Stops a sample instrument.
Prototype: procedure DSMStopSample(Voice:word);
Parameters: Voice - Voice channel number
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will stop the sample which is being played
at the specified channel number.
See Also: DSMPlaySample, DSMSetPeriod, DSMSetVolume, DSMSetBalance,
DSMSetSoundVolume, DSMSetupVoices, DSMStopVoices.
Function: Changes the channel period value.
Prototype: procedure DSMSetPeriod(Voice:word; Period:word);
Parameters: Voice - Voice channel number
Period - Period value (28-6848)
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will change the period of the specified voice
channel number. You can translate frequency values in hertz
to period values using the following formula:
Period = 8363*428/Hertz
See Also: DSMPlaySample, DSMStopSample, DSMSetVolume, DSMSetBalance,
DSMSetSoundVolume, DSMSetupVoices, DSMStopVoices.
Function: Changes the channel volume level.
Prototype: procedure DSMSetVolume(Voice:word; Volume:word);
Parameters: Voice - Voice channel number
Volume - Volume level (0-64)
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will change the volume of the specified voice
channel number. The volume level goes from 0 to 64.
See Also: DSMPlaySample, DSMStopSample, DSMSetPeriod, DSMSetBalance,
DSMSetSoundVolume, DSMSetupVoices, DSMStopVoices.
Function: Changes the channel panning position.
Prototype: procedure DSMSetBalance(Voice:word; Balance:word);
Parameters: Voice - Voice channel number
Balance - Vanning position (0-128,228)
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will change the panning position of the
specified voice channel number. The panning value goes
from $00 to $80 (left to right panning) and $A4 for
surround effects. Here is a list of defined equates:
Constant Value Meaning
PAN_LEFT $00 Left panning
PAN_RIGHT $80 Right panning
PAN_DOLBY $A4 Surround effect
This routine has effect only in stereo soundcards.
See Also: DSMPlaySample, DSMStopSample, DSMSetPeriod, DSMSetVolume,
DSMSetSoundVolume, DSMSetupVoices, DSMStopVoices.
Function: Changes the global volume for all the music channels.
Prototype: procedure DSMSetMusicVolume(Volume:word);
Parameters: Volume - Volume level (0-255)
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will change the global music volume for
all the music channels. It's very useful to do fades
and for games which are playing sounds over music.
Notice that this volume level goes from 0 to 255
(not from 0 to 64 like for individual channels).
See Also: DSMPlayMusic, DSMSetSoundVolume, DSMSetupVoices.
Function: Changes the global volume for the sound effects channels.
Prototype: procedure DSMSetSoundVolume(Volume:word);
Parameters: Volume - Volume level (0-255)
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will change the global sound effects volume
for all the non-music channels. The sound effect channels
are those which are not used to play the current music
See Also: DSMPlayMusic, DSMSetMusicVolume, DSMSetupVoices.
Function: Start playing a music module.
Prototype: procedure DSMPlayMusic(Module:PDSM);
Parameters: Module - Music module address
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will start playing the music module. You should
be sure to have enough channels opened to play the music, or
you won't hear some of the music track channels.
See Also: DSMStopMusic, DSMSetMusicVolume, DSMSetupVoices.
Function: Stops playing the current music module.
Prototype: procedure DSMStopMusic;
Parameters: Note.
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will stop playing the current music module.
You must call this routine before calling DSMPlayMusic
to play another music module.
See Also: DSMPlayMusic, DSMSetMusicVolume, DSMSetupVoices.
Function: Returns the current playing status of the music.
Prototype: function DSMGetMusicStatus:word;
Parameters: Note.
Returns: PS_STOPPED - No music is being played
PS_PLAYING - Music is being played
Remarks: None.
See Also: DSMPlayMusic, DSMStopMusic.
Function: Returns the music information structure.
Prototype: function DSMGetMusicStatus:PDSMMusicInfo;
Parameters: Note.
Returns: Static music information structure address.
Remarks: This routine is useful to get all the information that
you will need to know what is going on (tracks data,
current pattern, tempo, speed, etc).
See Also: DSMMusicInfo.
Function: Loads a DSM music module from disk.
Prototype: function DSMLoad(FileName:String; FileOffset:dword):PDSM;
Parameters: FileName - Full path filename
FileOffset - Start of the module within the file
Returns: The module address in memory or NIL if an error occurred
while loading it from disk.
Remarks: This routine will load an DSM file from disk. You should
convert different file formats like MODs, S3Ms, etc. to
DSM files using the CONV.EXE utility.
If something went wrong while loading the module file, this
function returns NIL and the global variable DSMStatus is
set to one of the following values:
Constant Value Meaning
ERR_NORAM 1 Not enough system memory
ERR_NODRAM 2 Not enough soundcard memory
ERR_NOFILE 3 Module file not found
ERR_FORMAT 4 Invalid file format
ERR_ACCESS 5 File corrupted
See Also: DSMFree.
Function: Frees a music module from memory.
Prototype: procedure DSMFree(Module:PDSM);
Parameters: Module - Music module
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will free an DSM module from memory. You
cannot free a module while it's being played.
See Also: DSMLoad.
Function: Loads a WAVE sample instrument file from disk.
Prototype: function DSMLoadSample(FileName:String;
Parameters: FileName - Full path filename
FileOffset - Start of the sample within the file
Returns: The sample instrument address or NIL if an error occurred
while loading it from disk.
Remarks: This routine will loads an standard RIFF/WAVE sample file
from disk. You should convert other sample file formats
like VOC, AU, etc. to WAV using any third-party conversion
If something went wrong, the function returns NIL and the
global variable DSMStatus is set with the error type.
See Also: DSMFreeSample, DSMLoad.
Function: Frees a sample instrument file from memory.
Prototype: procedure DSMFreeSample(Inst:PDSMInst);
Parameters: Inst - Sample instrument
Returns: None.
Remarks: This routine will free the sample instrument from memory.
You cannot free it while it's being played.
See Also: DSMLoadSample.
Function: Loads the soundcard configuration file from disk.
Prototype: function DSMLoadSetup(var Card:DSMCard):boolean;
Parameters: Card - Soundcard configuration structure
Returns: On success, returns false.
On error, returns true.
Remarks: This routine will loads the file called SOUND.CFG with
the soundcard hardware parameters. This file is created
with the external program SETUP.EXE, or calling the
function DSMSaveSetup.
See Also: DSMSaveSetup.
Function: Saves the soundcard configuration file to disk.
Prototype: function DSMSaveSetup(var Card:DSMCard):boolean;
Parameters: Card - Soundcard configuration structure
Returns: On success, returns false.
On error, returns true.
Remarks: This routine will save the soundcard structure to the
file called SOUND.CFG.
See Also: DSMLoadSetup.
4.2 Structures
DSM structure
Declaration: type
DSM = record
Song : DSMSong;
Inst : array [0..Pred(MAXSAMPLES)] of PDSMInst;
Patt : array [0..Pred(MAXORDERS)] of PDSMPatt;
Function: DSM is a structure which holds all the information about
the music module loaded in memory. This structure is loaded
from disk by DSMLoad and is used by DSMPlayMusic.
Fields: Song - Main structure which holds the information
about the module music
Inst - List of sample instruments used by the module
Patt - List of patterns used by the module
See Also: DSMSong, DSMInst, DSMLoad.
DSMSong structure
Declaration: type
DSMSong = record
SongName : array [0..27] of char;
Version : word;
Flags : word;
Pad : dword;
NumOrders : word;
NumSamples : word;
NumPatterns : word;
NumChannels : word;
GlobalVolume: byte;
MasterVolume: byte;
InitTempo : byte;
InitBPM : byte;
ChanMap : array [0..Pred(MAXTRACKS)] of byte;
Orders : array [0..Pred(MAXORDERS)] of byte;
Function: This structure holds information about the module like
the amount of samples, patterns, orders, etc. This is
the main body of the music module, which uses the other
resources, like the samples and patterns, to interpret
and playback the music theme.
Fields: SongName - Name of the music module song
Version - Module file format
Flags - Module flags
NumOrders - Length of the order list
NumSamples - Number of sample instruments
NumPatterns - Number of pattern sheets
GlobVolume - Global music volume
MastVolume - Master volume
InitTempo - Initial tempo value
InitBPM - Initial BPM value
ChanMap - Initial track's panning values
Orders - Order list
See Also: DSM, DSMLoad.
DSMInst structure
Declaration: type
DSMInst = record
FileName : array [0..12] of char;
Flags : word;
Volume : byte;
Length : dword;
LoopStart : dword;
LoopEnd : dword;
Address : pointer;
MidCRate : word;
Period : word;
SampleName : array [0..27] of char;
Function: DSMInst is a structure which holds all the information
about an sample instrument. You can load individual
samples from disk using DSMLoadSample.
The sample bit flags are defined as follows:
Constant Value Meaning
INST_LOOPED $01 Looping enabled
INST_SIGNED $02 Signed samples
INST_PACKED $04 Packed samples
Fields: FileName - File name of the sample instrument
Flags - Sample bit flags.
Volume - Default volume
Length - Length of the sample
LoopStart - Loop start point
LoopEnd - Loop end point
Address - Used internally to hold the address of
the raw sample data in system memory
or soundcard memory.
MidCRate - Middle-C frequency finetune value
Period - Default period value
SampleName - Name of the sample instrument
See Also: DSM, DSMLoad, DSMLoadSample, DSMPlaySample.
DSMCard structure
Declaration: type
DSMCard = record
CardID : byte;
Flags : byte;
IOAddr : word;
IRQNum : byte;
DRQNum : byte;
MixRate : word;
Function: DSMCard holds the soundcard configuration parameters. This
structure is required by DSMInit to initialize the sound
system. Here is the list of supported soundcards:
Constant Value Soundcard Device
ID_NONE 0 None
ID_SB 1 Sound Blaster
ID_SB201 2 Sound Blaster 2.01
ID_SBPRO 3 Sound Blaster Pro
ID_SB16 4 Sound Blaster 16
ID_GUS 5 Gravis Ultrasound
Fields: CardID - Soundcard ID number
IOAddr - I/O port address
IRQNum - IRQ line
DRQNum - DMA channel
MixRate - Mixing rate
See Also: DSMInit, DSMLoadSetup, DSMSaveSetup.
DSMMusicInfo structure
Declaration: type
DSMMusicInfo = record
ActiveTracks : word;
Tracks : array [0..Pred(MAXTRACKS)] of Track;
OrderPosition : byte;
OrderLength : byte;
PatternNumber : byte;
PatternRow : byte;
BreakFlag : byte;
Tempo : byte;
TempoCount : byte;
BPM : byte;
CardStatus : word;
PlayStatus : word;
SongPtr : pointer;
SyncMark : byte;
Function: This structure is used internally by the system to keep
track of everything that is needed to play a music module.
You can access the static instance of this structure used
by the system using the function DSMGetMusicInfo.
Fields: ActiveTracks - Number of active tracks
Tracks - Tracks data
OrderPosition - Current playing position
OrderLength - Length of the order list
PatternNumber - Current playing pattern
PatternRow - Current pattern row
BreakFlag - Flag used to break patterns
and for jump position commands
Tempo - Current speed of the music
BPM - Current BPM of the music
SyncMark - The last synchronization mark
encountered in the patterns
SongPtr - Address of the playing module
See Also: DSMGetMusicInfo, Track.
Track structure
Declaration: type
Track = record
NoteEvent : word;
VolumeEvent : byte;
Note : byte;
Sample : byte;
Volume : byte;
Effect : word;
Period : word;
EQBar : byte;
Reserved : array [...] of byte;
Function: Track is a structure which hold all the information of
each music track channel. There is an array of Tracks
in the DSMMusicInfo structure which is used by the
system to interpret the music patterns.
Fields: NoteEvent - Last note and sample readed from the patterns
VolumeEvent - Last volume field readed from the patterns
Note - Note index number
Sample - Sample instrument number
Volume - Volume level
Effect - Effect command
Period - Period value
EQBar - Equalizer level
See Also: DSMMusicInfo.